The goal of education is the advancement of Knowledge and the dissemination of truth – John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Welcome to South Melior School, a place where students gain an advantage from the integration of curricular & extracurricular skills, follow their passion and experience the beauty of their dreams. I feel I am blessed with a noble opportunity of colouring the souls of children around me with positive human values. South Melior School came into existence with the vision of creating a safe and supportive environment for its students – to provide a perfect balance of academics, sports, art & social opportunities. Childhood, youth should be glorified with joy and we strive for that.
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About School
South Melior School spread over 1 acre, not far away from the city yet within the city limits, provides fresh air and ample opportunities for theholistic development of the children who will be accomplished individuals in many ways, happy and confident of leading their lot to a bright future. The Institution has carved a niche for itself in a matter of a few years,. We believe that every child is unique and an effort is made to cater to his/her individually. Multiple intelligence being the need of the hour, a different approach is adopted to take care of the children. Above all, the focus is to mould every child to be a responsible citizen opf the world, with strong fundamentals and deep rooted values, to see them through the challenges of the life. Aschool, we believe, should be a place where a child loves to be in and not where he/she dreads to go.
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